i'm bored

im bored so i'll just say whatever i want. i don't care about grammar so get off my dick.

i love my friends. they are the sole purpose why im still on this go forsaken earth. they make me feel loved, and i know people say dont rely on others, but im a dumbass bitch and i never learn. i've been hurt so many times i cant even keep count anymore. and its not like one of those ''Im A bRoKeN pErSoN sO gIvE mE aTtEnTiOn'' type things. i dont want your attention. i dont care if you listen or not. im not here for pity. im just saying things as they are.

i am bored. very bored. i got nothing to do. well technically i do. i could go to schoool, i could go out with the friends i love so much, i could paint, i could draw, but im not going to, not cause i dont want to, but cause i literally cant. its difficult to explain. actually im not gonna explain it. call it lazy, call it selfish, call it suicidal, but i just dont care anymore, im too tired and bored to explain it.

i am tired. and its annoying cause its not physical. i cant get rid of it with a good night's sleep.

drugs. i miss drugs. this might be pushing my bounderies of what i can talk about on this blog, but its just a fact. i miss drugs, i dont do drugs anymore. not cause i dont want to, but cause i promised i would stop to someone really important to me. 

my parents. i hate my parents. so much. if they weren't so controlling i could like them, but they think im just a mindless child they can push around, but im not. im almost 17. i have a brain. i have opinions. and they can't change that. the longer they try to control the less i'll listen. idc.

im mad. i hate adults. not all adults. but most of them. they're so stuck up. they live on clouds, and they act as if they're better than us. they're not. you're not. get your head out of your ass.

ok im bored again. ranting has been fun. thanks for reading *heart*(i couldnt find the lesser than symbol)

